Budapest Firefighters’ Association (BTSZ), founded in 1890, is an independent non-governmental organisation. It is guided by the fundamental principles of the (Hungarian) National Firefighters’ Association and implements its core activities with the help of volunteers. Through its activities, BTSZ aims to promote volunteering and represent its member organisations (22 volunteer fire brigades and 28 business organisations – incl. Budapest Transport Company, Pécs Energy Ltd., Auchan Hungary, Andreas STIHL, Semmelweis University, Budapest Power Plant, Drager Safety Hungary, Oiltanking Hungary, GE Hungary, …), both at national as well as at international level. In Budapest, BTSZ has a network of around 1,000 volunteers. BTSZ is a member of the (Hungarian) National Firefighters’ Association and Budapest Rescue Organisation.
BTSZ takes over different responsibilities across the whole project, the one of central importance is the role as lead of WP2 on Network buidling. BTSZ establishes and maintains contacts and exchange with regional RDI projects and act as a direct interface to EUSDR to ensure continuous alignment of activities, facilitate links with DG ECHO, in particular in the light of the UCPM Knowledge Network, and facilitate interaction with DG REGIO and Danube Transnational Programme. BTSZ contributes to the project’s sustainability, in particular by ensuring close alignment with the objectives and scope of activities of the EUSDR PA5 DMWG with aim to work towards an uptake of DAREnet results into this framework.