What is DAREnet?

Flood Response Innovation by and for Practitioners

DAREnet is a network of practitioners dealing with flood resilience in the Danube River Region, supported by a continuously evolving multi-disciplinary community of stakeholders consisting of policy makers, academics, industry and many more.

  • Defining the challenges
  • Enabling collaboration
  • Facilitating innovations

The DAREnet project will enable Flood Management Practitioners in the Danube River Region

  • to connect and exchange with national and European stakeholders in a truly collaborative environment;
  • to identify and analyse by and for themselves relevant innovation gaps;
  • to translate the gaps into a joint innovation strategy to improve flood resilience in the future.

The Project Video

About the DAREnet Project

DAREnet is a 5-year Coordination and Support Action funded by the European Commission. The DAREnet consortium forms the backbone of the transnational, multi-disciplinary network. It brings together a unique combination of renowned institutions and players in flood mitigation and civil protection. This consortium provides a broad and complementary coverage of the needed capabilities, the geographic balance, and strategic motivation to succeed. A long history of previous collaboration providing the basis for an effective execution of DAREnet and beyond.

Connecting National Practitioner Networks

DAREnet is organised as a network of national practitioner networks, led by dedicated DAREnet National Contacts (DNC). The DNCs are building in their countries multi-disciplinary practitioner communities to collect information about innovation needs and opportunities in an ongoing dialogue. The DAREnet project will unite these national communities in an open ecosystem to foster synergies, innovation and its uptake across the Danube Region. The network is supported by a broad range of stakeholders from policy, industry and research.

The DAREnet Consortium Partners

Federal Agency for Technical Relief

Federal Agency for Technical Relief

The Federal Agency for Technical Relief (THW) consists of 80,000 mostly volunteer members and is a federal German agency that provides worldwide technical assistance on behalf of the Federal Government of Germany within the framework of Civil Protection, disaster control, public emergencies, and large‐scale accidents at the request of the authorities in charge of hazard control, in particular in the field of recovery and repair.

THW is the coordinator of the DAREnet project and is in charge for the definition of DAREnet challenges and RDI topics and for the establishment of stakeholder relations and sustainability. THW acts as DAREnet National Contact for Germany and connect with Civil Protection stakeholders and institutions in Germany.


International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River

International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River

The International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River (ICPDR) works to ensure the sustainable and equitable use of waters and freshwater resources in the Danube River Basin. in 2000, its contracting parties nominated the ICPDR as the platform for the implementation of all transboundary aspects of the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). Since 2007, ICPDR is responsible for coordinating the implementation of the EU Floods Directive in the Danube River Basin.

ICPDR ensures that the project activities as well as its outputs are in line with the policies, management objectives and technical goals of its contracting parties as well as the provisions of the EU Floods Directive. ICPDR contributes with valuable technical and political feedback.


Austrian Red Cross

Austrian Red Cross

Austrian Red Cross (ARC) is a non-profit organisation and is guided by the fundamental principles of the Red Cross Movement and it implements its humanitarian activities with the help of its 57.000 volunteers and 8.300 employees. ARC is mandated by authorities at all levels to be in charge of c&c of emergency medical and psychosocial situation. The ÖRK focuses its international work on disaster response, recovery and resilience building, covering sectors such as water and sanitation, disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and health and care.

ARCs lead the Practitioner Network & Community Building by providing the Network Secretariat, and coordinates and facilitates all related activities. ARC is responsible for the coordination of the Austrian national network of users.


International Security and Emergency Management Institute

International Security and Emergency Management Institute

The ISEM Institute (ISEMI) is a non-profit organisation established in 2014. Main targets of ISEMI are providing support in obtaining funds from public resources, assistance to public bodies, municipalities, cities, regions, NGOs and companies to develop international partnerships, assistance in the implementation of EU policy in the field of safety and public protection. ISEMI consist of a team of experienced experts and has multiannual relations with several experts from police, firefighters, civil protection, emergency services as well as army.

ISEMI leads the DAREnet innovation assessment and acts as DAREnet National Contact for Slovakia and the Czech Republic.


Hungarian Civil Protection Association

Hungarian Civil Protection Association

The Hungarian Civil Protection Association (HCPA) is a public benefit organization consisting of voluntary members. The association considers humanitarian participation its prominent task, in the event of natural and civilian disasters, in the active taking of measures, serving the protection of the stricken population and the material property, and especially in the information and preparation of the population, the education of the youth, the establishment and training of voluntary organizations, mental care, the distribution of aids and the support of voluntary actions.

HCPA acts as DAREnet National Contact in Hungary and is responsible for the cooperation between national and regional Hungarian organisations and the project members.


Civil Protection Directorate, Ministry of Interior

Civil Protection Directorate, Ministry of Interior

Civil Protection Directorate (MUP RCZ) is established for the purposes of performing various administrative and professional tasks among which are: the establishment of the civil protection system, rescue of citizens, material and other assets in major accidents and disasters; training and developing protection and rescue participants; carrying out tasks, measures and activities of civil protection; managing the alert and notification system and performing tasks related to international cooperation in the field of civil protection.

For the performance of tasks within the scope of Civil Protection Directorate, the following organisational units are established: Office of the Civil Protection Directorate; Civil Protection Operations Centre; National Civil Protection Training Centre; Inspection Sector; Disaster Risk Reduction Sector; Radiological and Nuclear Safety Sector; Preparedness and Coordination Sector; 112 Sector; National CP Intervention Unit; Explosive Atmospheres Sector; Croatian Mine Action Centre.

MUP RCZ is the DAREnet National Contact in Croatia and interacts with the national academia and industry in the process of developing new innovative solutions in the field of flood prevention.


Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior

Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior

The Sector for Emergency Management, Ministry of Interior (MOI SEM) is the national emergency / disaster management authority in the Republic of Serbia. The Mission of the Sector for Emergency Management of the Ministry of Interior is to build, maintain and improve the ability of the whole nation to mitigate or prevent the risks, to respond to the challenges and mitigate the consequences of various disasters that may hit our country and the region.

MOI SEM acts as DAREnet national contact for Serbia. SEM is in charge of the relations with practitioners, innovators and the civil society and will be the first contact point for the flood management practitioners in Serbia.


APELL National Center for Disaster Management

APELL National Center for Disaster Management

CN APELL-RO is an independent, non-governmental and non-profit organization registered in Romania. CN APELL-RO Foundation’s aim is to enhance knowledge, awareness participation and management of different stakeholders in risk prevention and protection, response and mitigation methods and activities, as well as the promotion of environmental policies and strategies implementation, in the context of sustainable development.

APELL-RO leads and coordinates the DAREnet Practitioner RDI Initiatives, and acts as first contact point for practitioners. CN APELL-RO is the DAREnet National Contact for Romania.


Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General

Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General

The Fire Safety and Civil Protection Directorate General (DG FSCP) part of Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Bulgaria, and is a national specialized structure responsible for fire safety, rescue and protection in cases of disasters. Its main tasks are prevention and control, emergency rescue and recovery activities, early warning and alert in case of disasters and aerial danger. Further, DG FSCP is responsible for the operational cooperation with the EU and NATO structures and other international organizations.

DG FSCP acts as DAREnet National Contact for Bulgaria and thus it provides networking with other partners from the National Platform for the purposes of project implementation.




ITTI sp. z o.o. (ITTI) is an SME working in IT and telecommunications sectors, located in Poznan, Poland. The company has at present a team consisting of ca. 80 persons. ITTI’s main activities are technical consulting and applied R&D in the area of telecommunications and IT, and the development of innovative applications and software solutions.

ITTI is in charge of interfacing with the industry, both with associations or individual businesses. ITTI establishes contact with the leaders of selected key-players, collects information about their activities and assess possibilities to cooperate, creates synergies or disseminate DAREnet results. ITTI is in charge of the scoping of the RDI opportunities developed in DAREnet and the performance of maturity/risk assessments for their uptake.


Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade

Faculty of Security Studies, University of Belgrade

The Faculty of Security Studies (FB) is a graduate-level member institution of the University of Belgrade. Within its core activity, the security studies, the Faculty offers basic academic and undergraduate studies, Master degree studies, doctoral, and specialist undergraduate studies, as well as professional training and education. The Faculty carries out basic scholarly, applied and development research and has been accredited as a scholarly institution by the Ministry for Science and Environment of the Republic of Serbia.

FB is in particular be responsible for the gathering of knowledge required to assess innovation from a holistic perspective with regards to flood history, external factors, risk management and prevention.


German Aerospace Center

German Aerospace Center

The German Aerospace Center (DLR) is the national aeronautics and space research centre of the Federal Republic of Germany. The DLR institutes Transportation Systems, dealing with automotive and railway systems as well as for traffic management, and the German Remote Sensing Data Center, responsible for the handling of Earth Observation missions will be involved in DAREnet.

DLR leads the Innovation Monitoring within DAREnet and leads the research and monitoring on latest findings in scientific publications and promising results of recent or running RDI projects. DLR further is responsible for the knowledge acquisition and consolidation process, resulting in the DAREnet Knowledge Base.


City of Geel

City of Geel

Stad GEEL city council is the local governing body of the city of Geel, a 39.000 inhabitants city located in the province of Antwerp. Geel has three important waterways (one canal for boating, one for traffic between the port of Antwerp and Liege and a river which makes a part of Geel flood-prone).

Stad GEEL acts as a contact point for Belgium and will recruit Belgian practitioners and relevant experts to attend / speak at DAREnet conferences. Further, GEEL provides information to DAREnet from an non Danube point of view and exchanges best practices. GEEL promotes interoperability between first responder organisations to efficiently manage contingencies. Within DAREnet innovative ways to boast interoperability in the region will be identified.


ARTTIC Innovation

ARTTIC Innovation

ARTTIC Innovation is a company of the PNO Consultants Group, the European leader in collaboration engineering, consultancy and management services for international research and technology related partnerships. The team at AI has been built since 2006 and has set up and managed numerous projects in EU funding programmes. Currently, AI is collaborating with multi-national consortia in EU funded projects. AI builds and assists collaborative undertakings and in particular European research consortia and networks from all businesses and research sectors, small and large, private, and public, to ensure their collaborative innovation ventures are as successful as possible funding.

ARTTIC leads the communication and dissemination activities in DAREnet, and is in charge for the administration of the DAREnet Community. Further, ARTTIC supports the Coordinator THW in all administrative, financial and operational management tasks.


National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria

National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria

Since its foundation in 2014, the National Association of Volunteers in the Republic of Bulgaria (NAVRB) aims at creating an active network of volunteers and to strengthen the capacity of volunteers and volunteer formations in the Republic of Bulgaria. NAVRB is dedicated to the promotion and development of volunteering in Bulgaria, e.g. by increasing the motivation of citizens to participate in voluntary units and so to ensure conditions for prevention and effective protection of the population. NAVRB aims at co-ordinating and interacting between state and local authorities, the non-governmental sector, businesses and citizens in order to develop an organised voluntary movement and to ensure the protection of the population in case of disasters, fires and other emergencies and also effective preventive activities.

Together with DG FSCP, NAVRB is responsible for the joint shared DAREnet National Contact in Bulgaria. In this role, NAVRB will be responsible for widening the existing network using their network of all relevant stakeholders (practitioners, academia, and industry), promoting the project and practitioner initiatives.


Budapest Firefighters’ Association

Budapest Firefighters’ Association

Budapest Firefighters’ Association (BTSZ), founded in 1890, is an independent non-governmental organisation. It is guided by the fundamental principles of the (Hungarian) National Firefighters’ Association and implements its core activities with the help of volunteers. Through its activities, BTSZ aims to promote volunteering and represent its member organisations (22 volunteer fire brigades and 28 business organisations – incl. Budapest Transport Company, Pécs Energy Ltd., Auchan Hungary, Andreas STIHL, Semmelweis University, Budapest Power Plant, Drager Safety Hungary, Oiltanking Hungary, GE Hungary, …), both at national as well as at international level. In Budapest, BTSZ has a network of around 1,000 volunteers. BTSZ is a member of the (Hungarian) National Firefighters’ Association and Budapest Rescue Organisation.

BTSZ takes over different responsibilities across the whole project, the one of central importance is the role as lead of WP2 on Network buidling. BTSZ establishes and maintains contacts and exchange with regional RDI projects and act as a direct interface to EUSDR to ensure continuous alignment of activities, facilitate links with DG ECHO, in particular in the light of the UCPM Knowledge Network, and facilitate interaction with DG REGIO and Danube Transnational Programme. BTSZ contributes to the project’s sustainability, in particular by ensuring close alignment with the objectives and scope of activities of the EUSDR PA5 DMWG with aim to work towards an uptake of DAREnet results into this framework.


Serbian National Association of Volunteer Firefighters

Serbian National Association of Volunteer Firefighters

The Serbian National Association of Volunteer Firefighters (VSS) is a voluntary and non-profit organization based on freedom of association established for the purpose of organised voluntary participation of citizens in implementing fire protection, rescuing people and property and implementing projects and programs in this area that are of public interest. Serbian National Association of Volunteer Firefighters was founded in 1950. Serbian National Association of Volunteer Firefighters is the umbrella organization of Serbia’s municipal, city and inter-municipal firefighter associations and the volunteer firefighter associations of the autonomous provinces.

VSS is forming the DAREnet National Contact for Serbia jointly with MOI SEM. MOI SEM will mainly proceed gathering input from national network members (practitioner needs, RDI topics, etc.). VSS will widen the existing DAREnet network using their own network of all relevant stakeholders in Serbia. In particular, VSS will plan, organise and participate in knowledge exchange activities among the DAREnet project participants, create a network of relevant national stakeholders that provides support in identifying gaps, needs and solutions related to VSS in Serbia, and support the creation a transnational/-regional network of volunteer fire fighting associations in the Danube River region.
