After more than five years of roadmapping, networking and supporting innovation in civil protection, DAREnet is facing its project end in February. The last meeting will be held from February 14 to 16 in Bratislava, Slovakia and will bring together once more practitioners from all over the Danube Region. The event will be jointly organised with the EU Strategy for the Danube Region’s Environmental Risk Priority Area Disaster Manegement Working Group.
On the main conference day, February 15, DAREnet members together with stakeholders from the European Commission and from the European Strategy Areas for the Danube Region and Baltic Sea Region will discuss on urgent questions concerning the improvement of macro-regional cross-border cooperation in disaster management. The event will further feature keynotes from the Human-Tech Nexus Project and the MYRIAD-EU project.
The final meeting will further focus on the sustainability of project outcome and open up opportunities to preserve the knowledge and keep the community alive, that was generated during DAREnet activities.