First part of the DAREnet / EUSDR PA5 online Annual Practitioner Forum successfully completed

DAREnet and the EU Strategy for the Danube Region Priority Area 5 on Environmental Risks have successfully concluded the first part of this year’s Annual Practitioner Forum. This first of two online events was a workshop targeting at first responders dealing with the topic of floods in the Danube Region. The thematic focus of the workshop was “training”. The workshop took place on 24th November 2020 and was attended by more than 50 persons of all countries of the Danube River Region, representing first responder organisations, academia, industry, and public authorities. The outcomes of this workshop are currently being summarised and will serve as basis to facilitate a panel discussion to take place on 2nd December 2020. This panel discussion with speakers from the EC’s DG HOME, DG ECHO and DG REGIO as well as the Danube Transnational Programme and the EUSDR PA5 Disaster Management Working Group will complete the 2nd Annual Practitioner Forum.

Registration to the panel discussion is still open at