The three practitioner networks DAREnet, MEDEA and IFAFRI are inviting to a Joint-Network event to provide a platform for an end-to-end-perspective on Early Warning Systems. Stakeholders working on all aspects of people-centred Early Warning Systems (risk knowledge, monitoring and warning service, dissemination and communication, response capability) are encouraged to focus on links between technologies, processes and decision making. The hosting practitioner networks foster innovation and exchange in civil protection and disaster management. Thus, the conference aims to create synergies regarding innovation uptake, (cross-border) cooperation and capability gap analysis through a combination of their activities.
The event will take place on 30 November – 2 December 2022 at the Achat Hotel Schreiberhof in Aschheim, near Munich, Germany (for reservations please mention the keyword “Joint Network Event”).
A detailed agenda and logistics pack is available HERE. You will find the latest Brochure HERE.
Call for Session Proposals
The event organisers are happy to receive session proposals from first responders, researchers, authorities, meteorological services and stakeholders dealing with Early Warning Systems and who would like to use the opportunity to discuss about technologies, processes and roles on all levels of Early Warning to Action.
Possible topics are:
Deadline for session proposals: 31/10/2022, contact: or
Call for Technology Solutions
We are still looking for technological solutions that could be presented to and discussed with first responders, authorities and other decision makers in the area of Early Warning Systems and we are happy to receive your applications. Solutions should relate to ongoing research and the gap between Early Warning and Early Action that address communication, visualization, real time warning, forecasting, and monitoring in EWS.
Currently planned are short English-language presentations (approx. 15 min) by the companies on an innovative product, which can also be attended virtually, and a subsequent round of discussions at the stands of the technology providers on November 30.
If you are interested in presenting and exhibiting your solution or have any question, please let us now until 05/11/2022 via E-Mail (
About the co-organising projects
IFAFRI – The International Forum to Advance First Responder Innovation -, is an organization of international government leaders from 15 countries and the European Commission, focused on enhancing and expanding the development of new technology for first responders. More information available at
MEDEA – The Mediterranean & Black Sea Security Practitioners’ Network – aspires to contribute to the establishment of safer and more secure societies throughout the Mediterranean and Black Sea region using research and innovation as a catalyst to promote collaboration between practitioners from diverse disciplines and countries. More information available at